Art Classes


Teaching people how to draw and paint is one of my great pleasures, I love passing on my passion and watching complete beginners transform and become highly competent. I teach simple mindfulness techniques to help you relax and calm the apprehension that sometimes arises when you embark on a new project. I support you to embrace what you perceive as failure, as an intrinsic and beneficial part of the learning process. I am always positive and encouraging, whilst showing you how to keep moving forward step by step.

“Thanks for all you gift to us in your lessons. Drawing is only part of what I and very likely others are receiving from these two precious hours a week. There is such an opportunity for stillness and seeing, for healing there too, which we all need more of. I feel incredibly grateful to have found you and wanted you to know that you are making a difference.”

I run multiple face to face painting and drawing classes in Kapiti and Wellington, including absolute beginners, intermediate classes and classes for students who have been attending Artworks for several years and have reached an advanced level. If you are a complete beginner you can start anytime and work through the program with me in your own time. You will be working along side other students, some of whom may be complete beginners with you or students working at different levels. This works really well and offers you the opportunity to see how competent you too can become. If you have some drawing experience and would like to join Artworks, email me and we can arrange to meet up and discuss which class will best meet your needs.

“Kimbra provides a calm space where we can relax and grow.”

The face to face course content is the same as the online courses, outlined on the courses page. You begin with simple mindfulness techniques enabling you to make the shift to your right hemisphere, which being primarily visual, is ideally equipped for drawing. You move on to simple line drawings and then explore tone (shading) and colour. Once you have a grasp of the fundamentals and are able to activate your right hemisphere, there is a range of topics available to you, including; fruit and vegetables, containers, still life, birds, landscape, portraits and perspective. Having an understanding of the basics, enables you to draw whatever you like!

Over time you have the opportunity to cover a range of mediums, including graphite pencils, coloured pencils, pen and wash and watercolour. I teach different styles from highly finished to loose and expressive. The class environment becomes a collegial, supportive environment where you are free to explore and grow.

Niccy’s Artworks experience

“Patient, calm, nurturing and encouraging are words that spring to mind about Kimbra at Artworks. Her teaching of mindfulness and techniques to encourage our all-important Right Hemisphere opens a new world. After having loved Art at school, then losing confidence as day to day life took precedence, it took me over 40 years to pluck up courage to reach for a pencil again and I’m so glad I did.
On day one I felt at square one and vulnerable but Kimbra’s warmness immediately put everyone at ease. Being part of a small class enables us to listen, watch, ask questions and learn without pressure. Through Kimbra’s guidance, and wonderful ability to teach, I’ve produced work I never thought possible. A new world of discovery, joy and increasing confidence has reopened and it’s fabulous.”

I’m passionate about enabling people to access their creative aspect and I’m completely confident in the process! You can check out my blogs for more information or email me. Just keep scrolling to find out how it all works.
If none of the class times suit you, we have a whole range of online courses, both interactive and DIY which cover exactly the same material.

Classes 2025

TERM 1 10 weeks

Monday 27th January – 7th April, 7 – 9pm
Tuesday 28th January – 8th April, 10am- 12, 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday 29th January – 9th April, 10am- 12, 1pm – 3pm
Friday 7th February – 11th April, 10am- 12, 1pm – 3pm

Term 2 begins on the 28th April


These can be purchased at Warehouse Stationery or Paper Plus stores.

An A4 pad of cartridge paper or A4 visual diary – I recommend Bockingford cartridge, which comes in a variety of sizes and is a high quality paper used by professional artists. Visual diaries are a cheaper option and are fine for our purposes, I use visual dairies for class demonstrations and Bockingford for my own work. If you go for a visual diary make sure you choose one with cartridge paper that has a ‘tooth’ or fine texture. Some visual diaries have smooth paper which is ineffective for graphite. Avoid the Unity pads from Warehouse Stationery, they are poor quality.

2B and 4B graphite pencils (often known as lead pencils) – One of each is fine to begin with. As you move on, you will discover a wide range of art pencils. Graphite pencils are made up of clay and graphite (a charcoal like substance). I recommend the dark green Faber Castell artist pencils, they have a higher content of graphite than the student brand (red and black or blue and black stripes).

Artist quality white rubber – Faber Castell is a quality brand and available in all art departments.


Pencil sharpener – I recommend you buy a Derwent desk top pencil sharpener. Just google Black metal Derwent pencil Sharpener and get the one from Office Discount, they are the best.

kneadable eraser (Creta colour)

Folder – I recommend you keep all your drawings and store them in a folder. This becomes a wonderful record of your development.

Artworks Terms and Conditions

The fee for one two hour session is $29 which makes the term fee $290 for ten weeks.

You pay up front for the term, or in five week slots of $145.

Because I run multiple classes I have a make-up option for people who miss classes during their paid term. This means that if you miss classes in term one on your selected term day i.e. Monday, you are welcome to make up that class on any other day in term one i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.

If you have travel plans during the term and would like to attend classes before or after your trip, I offer a casual rate of $35 per session. For example,

a) If you are traveling for 5 weeks out of a ten week term, and wish to attend class for the remaining 5 weeks – pay the half term block of $145.

b) If you are traveling for 3 weeks out of 10 and wish to attend class for the remaining 7 weeks – pay the half term block of $145 plus 2 x casual sessions at $35 per session.

c) If you are traveling for 6 weeks or more – pay the casual rate of $35 per session till end of term and/or do make-up classes.

I also have private sessions available for Artworks students who would like to catch up missed classes on a one to one basis, at the reduced rate of $90.00 per hour. You make rapid progress one to one.

To summarise;

Per two hour session – $29

Per ten week term – $290

Per five weeks – $145

Casual rate – $35 per two hour session

Private session for Artworks students – $90 per hour

Make-ups apply only in the term you have missed classes.

Private Classes

I offer private one on one classes to anyone who is not a current student, at any stage in their artistic development at the cost of $120 per hour. There is also a block booking option, where you can buy a three week slot for $300 or a five week slot for $470. You make rapid progress in a one to one environment, where you have my 100% attention and the content is tailored specifically for your requirements.

If you have any queries, feel free to contact me.

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